
The fast-growing crypto community needs new ways to organize the digital creativity that emanates from the emerging web 3.0 era. For this, we need:


A leader

Stakeborg comes with the initial vision & framework in order to bootstrap the community.


A mission

Innovate, test and deliver a fully functional & profitable digital colony that can survive.


A set of rules

DeGov is a perpetuum mobile which needs constant adjustments based on trial & error.



An economy that binds together the first 3 and, in our case, adds the magic of network effects.

The Why

As initiators of the Stakeborg DAO we have a clear commitment to the people who entrusted us with their time & attention.


The Mission

Our mission at Stakeborg is to be an education-first vehicle that empowers retail investors to pursue financial prosperity.

THE pledge

The Stakeborg DAO will support the community in becoming a decentralized DeFi & DAO Think Tank that will generate meaningful contributions to these highly important fields of the web 3.0 ecosystem.


Our Roadmap

All the elements before the DAO will be launched (Q1 2022) are hard commitments while the others are subject to change based on the proposals from the DAO members.

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